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Mount Mercy Academy is committed to excellence in girls' athletics. Through experiences in our athletic program, girls challenge themselves to attain relevant goals and to take their talents to the highest possible level. Mercy girls are dedicated and motivated role models who recognize the privilege of being a part of the athletic program. Coaches are devoted to shaping good character and personal growth in each and every athlete. Win or lose, Mercy supports and appreciates the contributions our student athletes and coaches make to the Mercy community.

MMA is a proud member of the Monsignor Martin League. Many of our students continue on to become Scholar Athletes (maintaining a 90% average and above) and are members of the All-Catholic teams in their sport. Mercy athletes are recruited by many colleges and universities to join their teams.

Natalie Menz

Athletic Director

Mercy is proud to announce that Health and Gym Teacher, Natlaie Menz, will be taking on the role of Athletic Director. Students love Miss Menz for her positive energy and welcoming attitude. We are proud of Natalie for this accomplishment and are excited to share the changes she has already made to our Athletic Department; including the introduction of new spring sports like Flag Football and Rowing with the BSRA. Congratulations Natalie!


Junior Varsity Basketball

Coach Greg McOwen

Varsity Basketball

Coach Macayla Barry


Coach Brittany Sanscrainte

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